Electrowelded nets
The electrowelded nets are used to protect the machinery employed in carpentry, industrial plants, construction sites, furnishings and more.
We manufacture customized products to meet the specific needs of customers and to ensure all the efficiency and professionalism they deserve.
The most innovative technologies, the constant technical updates and the best materials to achieve the utmost performance and quality for every application; from the conception phase to the after-sales assistance and to offer highly customizable solutions.
In addition to customizable solutions, we offer a standard production of the highest level with a wide range of items that are ready for delivery.
The high level of automation of our installations allows us to achieve an elevated degree of industrialization to offer a wide range of products of high quality or single pieces on a daily basis.
The most rigorous national certifications to certify the value of what we do and the effort we put into each creation.
All of our items are studied and developed in accordance with the most rigorous standards of quality and safety to provide customers with cutting edge products in terms of technology and quality.
Entirely new graphics and many unpublished images: these are some of the novelties you will discover when visiting our new website or leafing through Longo Reti's worldwide catalog.
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